Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Slight Distraction While Blogging

This is Rupert.  Rupert is one of the friendliest animals I've ever encountered and I love that he's ours!

Rupert, however, doesn't distinguish personal space.

Whenever we're on the laptop, he meanders his way over to us and snuggles between me (or Mr. My Blog for Bonnie) and the laptop.  He then starts purring, meowing and cuddling with us while we're trying to get some work done.

It's nice to be so loved, but sometimes you just want to hammer out a post on your blog! (or pay a bill, or send off an e-mail, check your bank statements....)

Thanks for the computer cuddle, Rupert!

And it's back to cooking I go!  Happy Thanksgiving!!

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