Monday, February 18, 2013

Origami and Ribs

Happy Presidents' Day!  I've spent my day binging on episodes of House of Cards, the new Netflix show that was released on February 1st in its entirety.  If you watch it, you caught the reference in this title.  Let's talk about how insanely I've been drawn to this show.  Clearly, if you've kept up with this blog at all, you know that I pretty much love TV.  One of these days I'll do a post on my favorite TV characters, spanning all genres and decades.  But for right now, House of Cards has me trapped.  There are only 13 episodes (or "Chapters") and I just finished 11.  I'm saving the final two for my next day off. 

I just need to say one thing: can we talk about what happened on Father's Day on this show??  Because it essentially traumatized me.  Like I watched it on Friday night and then woke up a few times in the middle of the night stressing out about it.  In my defense, I strongly believe that most people who have watched that episode...that moment...have stressed out about it.  W.T.F. (*deep shudder of revulsion*)

Moving on, I have a few more random thoughts:

~All last week I had a cold!  So did Mr. My Blog for Bonnie.  Bahhhh.  It was one of those slow-to-build numbers, with several days of feeling fairly crappy followed by one or two days of feeling absolutely awful.  I'm so ready for spring!

~Speaking of spring, what is with Easter being so early this year??  Yes, I totally understand how they determine the date for Easter each year (the first Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox) but I'm not feeling it being at the end of March.  Usually I love Lent because it means we're slowly climbing out of winter, but right now it feels strange to not be eating meat on Fridays when it's only mid-February.  I'm sure I'll start feeling better in March, which is such a great, underrated month, in my book.  Way better than February; a nice transition between the dark of winter and the light of spring. 

~Since there's no getting around the fact that it's Lent, I'll share with you that, this year for Lent, I gave up Facebook.  Taking it a step further, I deactivated my account.  I'd like to say that on Easter I'll reactivate it, and the truth is that I probably will.  But I've been rather annoyed with Facebook lately and it's nice not to be a part of that world.  We went out to dinner with friends of ours who don't have Facebook, and they told us about a German study that determined that most people feel dissatisfied and envious while trolling around on Facebook.  And I have to admit that I do usually have negative feelings after being on there.  I do a lot of eye rolling and sighing, and really, isn't life to short for that?  I also started valuing my privacy more in the past few years.  I know it's strange to say that since I keep this public blog, but this is a different type of openness than Facebook, if that makes any sense. I even tinkered with the Privacy settings and created a small list of people who are the only people who can see my posts.  Basically, very close friends and family.  Because the idea of sharing all my photos and personal updates with everyone was making me feel strange.  Again, here I am explaining all of that in a blog post.  It's strange and contrary, as I well know.  To make a long story short:  I have a feeling I might rejoin after Easter, just to maintain loose connections with people without sharing anything obnoxious or overtly personal.  But I won't be upset if I chuck the whole idea all together and remain deactivated, either.  Ahhh, Facebook:  you've ensnared us all in your web!

~Girls!  Have you watched the second season?  This is another show that I watch all the time and I usually have strong feelings of revulsion, just like a lot of the critics who watch it. That being said, for all of the gross sex and weird revelations, the moments of humor are totally worth it.  I love Lena Dunham.  On the show, I frequently laugh out loud because she exposes part of the Female World (actual term) that are usually only discussed among extremely close friends, if at all.  I think she's an amazing actress and the show is smart, though totally unconventional.  Plus, she went to Oberlin College, which is 15 minutes down the freeway from me.  I love a good Ohio connection! Also, I love Shoshanna.  But who doesn't?

~Pinterest fun:  Mr. My Blog for Bonnie and I are trying to watch our cholesterol, so yesterday I made and froze 12 breakfast sandwiches.  I got the idea from this pin.  The process went very quickly and I was amazed at the low calorie count of each sandwich when using turkey bacon and egg whites.  I diced up a red pepper, threw that in the egg whites and topped it all off with some spices.  I had one this morning and it tasted really great.  I'll definitely be stockpiling these in the future!

~I also made BBQ Chicken Nachos last night, direct from Pinterest.  Here in this house, we are suckers for Mexican food.  And yes, I know that BBQ Chicken Nachos (and nachos of any sort) really aren't authentic Mexican.  But my feelings on that are akin to the way I feel about Buffalo Chicken:  the best way to capture that flavor is in actual Buffalo wings (eaten in Buffalo, because they are so much better there!) but I love the taste so much that I make Buffalo Chicken Sandwiches, Buffalo Chicken Dip and Buffalo Chicken Mac and Cheese.  Don't judge.  Anyway, this recipe is great because the nachos call for a Queso Sauce.  I of course cranked up the heat and added minced jalapenos to the sauce, and it was fabulous. 

~I saw something about Heart Tarts and I made them two weeks ago for Valentine's Day.  Then I made a second batch, froze them with the intention of baking them on Valentine's Day itself, and promptly forgot about them.  So today I took them out of the freezer, baked them and iced them.  They are divine! 

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