Monday, October 8, 2012

Assorted Thoughts on an October Monday

This has been an odd and unusual couple of months.  I'm realizing that this blog will definitely be a touch-and-go enterprise, at least for now.  Though I haven't posted in awhile, here are some random thoughts I'm grappling with on this Columbus Day:

~I had a horrible dream last night, one that, in retrospect was really lame and silly but that kept me tossing and turning.  Last week I had some tests done with my doctor (no big deal at all) and I'm curious/freaking out about what my insurance will cover since I've been on a new plan all year.  This year I switched to the low-maintenance plan because previously I really only went to the doctor about once a year for my physical.  So, naturally, as soon as the ink dried on the paperwork for the new plan, I started having bizarre ailments.  Double pinkeye, two bouts of Bronchitis, a diagnosis of asthma after several rounds of pulmonary function tests, and now some tests last week for some unrelated things.  I'm rapidly close to reaching my deductible, when last year I spent probably $25 out of pocket for my yearly physical co-pay.  Bah.  Anyway, I had a dream that I opened the mail and all my tests last week came to $58,000 and I was responsible for paying $22,000 of it.  No idea where that math comes from, and no idea where those figures come from.  Clearly the tests won't have cost THAT much....(right?...) but all the same, I woke up from the dream and was all hot and bothered about it.  I kept freaking out and really didn't sleep well.  Sigh.

~I'm in Christmas mode.  It's been chilly around here lately, and this morning, according to my car when I was on my way to an oil change & servicing, said it was only 40 degrees.  I decided to swing by Jo-Ann's for their Columbus Day sale and randomly bought stuff to make two fabric-wrapped wreaths for the holidays.  We'll see how this goes.

~What's the deal with the show Will & Grace?  Although I'm totally into TV now, back about 10 years ago, I really wasn't.  I was in busy in college and working multiple part-time jobs, and this was before the advent of Tivo and Hulu and shows online in general.  So if you couldn't be right in front of the TV when a show started, you really couldn't watch it.  So I didn't see a lot of shows.  I've since caught some Will & Grace re-runs and really like it so far.  I might have to get hooked and watch the whole series...

~I made chili last night and it was so good!  Tonight, with leftovers, I'm making Frito Pie.  Today I'm also prepping a tray of Jalapeno Popper Macaroni & Cheese.  I found the recipe on Pinterest.  We'll bake it on Tuesday or Wednesday and I'll post the recipe if it's good.  But really, how could it not be?

~I'm off today and then again on Thursday, and Friday I'm leaving work at 3:45 to go to the wedding of a co-worker.  All things considered, this week should basically kick ass.  (furiously knocking on wood to counteract the hex I probably just placed on myself.)

1 comment:

  1. Sondra I love the new post. Well I love all of your post but still this one is great. How did the mac and cheese turn out? I will now be stalking your pinterst page for the recipe.
