Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sybil, Sybil, Sybil.

1.  I titled this post after a Downton Abbey character and if you, like me, have seen the most recent episode, you know why.  I'll refrain from discussing details here, because immediately after the episode aired on Sunday night, there were a plethora of facebook, twitter and other social media controversies regarding spoilers.  It's pretty interesting that the entire 3rd season aired in the UK months ago without many plot points being ruined, but minutes after it airs in the US, the cats are being absolutely thrown out of the bag!  I confess:  I am someone who hates surprises and, in a weird way, relishes knowing certain spoilers, as long as they're on my own terms (of course!)  That being said, I had no idea this was coming and it was spoiled for me on Sunday evening.  I planned to watch the episode today, knowing I had a half day of work to look forward to.  However, I talked to my mom about the episode on Monday night and she recommended watching it right away, asserting that it was the best episode of the entire series.  I watched it and immediately agreed.  And now, on my half day, I have watched it again and sobbed once more.  I also bought the entire 3rd season on Amazon Prime (the final 3 episodes that have yet to be aired were released yesterday) and so I watched the 6th episode immediately following, and again, I cried.  I'd keep going but I'm going downtown tonight to see a play and I don't want to arrive looking like I've fought a hundred and one emotional battles before the curtain even rises.  Ahh, Downton.  Best. Show. Ever. 

2.  To perk myself up after this Downton Fest, I'm going to go back to reading my newest book, "The Silver Linings Playbook."  I'm interested to see the movie but wanted to read the book first, and I'm so glad I have.  I'm 75% done with it and can't put it down.  While it is very difficult for me to understand the main character's psychological battles, I feel emotionally fraught for him all the same.  It's a funny book, an upsetting one, and one that has really forced me to think about mental illness.  If you've read it, or if you plan to read it, there's a scene that takes place on the beach with Pat and his best friend's family that will absolutely break your heart.  There's also a line I highlighted regarding Pat's friend Tiffany, who is herself going through severe emotional issues.  He says that Tiffany doesn't have a spouse, or a stable job, or a home or "any of the other things" without which make her vulnerable to being called "odd" by everyone else.  It's a sad but unfortunately true fact that sometimes people who don't follow societal norms and conventions end up being marked as outsiders simply because of a lack of luck in these areas, or a simple desire not to have them.  There have been several times where I've actually held my breath and gasped at various revelations throughout the book, and the fact that it isn't a suspenseful thriller and yet I'm reacting that way really stands for something.  I can't wait to finish it.

3.  Even though it's still technically January (blah to the tenth power) I'm looking ahead to spring and summer.  This summer, two of my family members are getting married so the Ohio branch of our family will be galloping off to New York state for their weddings.  In June, my cousin is getting married, and at the end of August, my lifelong bachelor uncle is finally tying the knot.  I have no idea what I'm going to wear yet (and don't plan on buying dresses until May or early June anyway) but I've tentatively picked out these Toms shoes:  what do you think?  Toms had a similar print last summer that I loved.  With so many colors in them, they'd go easily with any solid color dress.  I'm eager to embark on a Toms shopping spree of sorts anyway:  last year I bought my first pair in Texas and fell instantly in love: they are easily the most comfortable shoes I've ever worn, they go with a surprising array of clothes, and the best part is that when you purchase one pair, another pair is donated to a child in need.  I haven't worn their wedges yet but this is a good opportunity to try them out!

4.  Today it was 60 degrees and tomorrow the high is a mere 25.  Wahhhhh!!!!  Although I have to confess, in a weird, glutton-for-punishment way, I prefer when the weather is how it should be.  I don't mind cold and snowy days in January, but if they hit in March or, Heaven Help Us, April, I'm pissed.  And I love 80 degree days in June, but when it's 80 degrees in October, my nose is out of joint.  I want my brisk fall days, is that too much to ask??

5.  Super Bowl Weekend is coming up:  what are you cooking?  So far Texas Chili is on the menu for us, not sure what else.  Maybe a version of the Red Lobster cheesy garlic rolls that everyone under the sun is pinning on Pinterest.  We'll see!

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